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  • Product Management - Online Courses - Photo by Windows on Unsplash

    Product Management – 9 Online Courses To Level Up Your Game

    A few weeks ago, a tech start-up aiming to strengthen their product management reached out for advice as they were hiring their first Head of Product. When talking with the CEO, it appeared some of the start-up team members were willing and motivated to grow their knowledge in that area too. And there was quite…

  • new year - meaningful goals

    Ideas to help set focus on motivating goals

    What could you do – or change – this year to make it your best year ever? Have you had a thought about it already? As many, you probably find it a challenging question. Especially after such an unexpected and difficult 2020. Some are too shy or too busy to set ambitious objectives. Others do…

  • Finding Product-Market fit

    The Key Steps To Achieving Product-Market Fit & Scale!

    When launching a new business activity or building a new product, every founder hopes for one thing-  the Product-Market Fit. This article aims at providing introductory notions about the path to product-market fit for founders and product people. What is Product-Market fit and why does it matter? Defining product-market fit Product-Market fit is the symbolic…

  • Key levers to successfully convert your strategy into reality with OKRs

    Key levers to successfully convert your strategy into reality with OKRs

    This blog post has been written in collaboration gtmhub’s Voices of OKR series and initially published here. – Some say that 10% of success comes from Strategy while 90% can be attributed to Execution. And what if it was the link from one to the other that can make or break your ability to be successful?…

  • Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

    Future-Proofing Your Business Strategy In Uncertain Times

    2020 has brought its load of unexpected events. The types of events that have a “before” and an “after”. What is unprecedented is the lack of predictability of what is to come. So, what strategy to follow to set your business in a position to succeed in these uncertain times? That’s why I tried to…

  • Photo by Martin Wilner on Unsplash


    Welcome on ikiōm's blog,   As this is this blog's very first post, I thought about sharing a bit of context behind ikiōm, its mission, and try to answer the most frequent questions I received. First, what is ikiōm about? ikiōm's purpose is to help leaders and founders set their vision in motion. This is…